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The Grove Nursery School, Armagh
'Portal' Open for Sept.'2025 intakes - check out www.
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Welcome to The Grove! ….. or as a recent parent stated: “ a little Haven tucked away down the winding path."

We are a nursery school, under the auspices of the Education Authority, providing free education for 52 children in their pre-school year. All teaching is linked to the six areas of the Northern Ireland Pre School Curriculum

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSE)

  • The Arts (music, art, dance, imaginative play)

  • Early Mathematical Experiences

  • Language and Literacy

  • The World Around Us

  • Physical Development and Movement

and is based on the needs and interests of the current cohort of children. We believe learning should be fun!

It is our aim to provide a safe and happy environment where each child feels valued and loved. We place great emphasis on our ‘settling in’ procedures, pastoral care and giving each and every child individual time and attention. Indeed our motto states that The Grove is ‘where every child is special’. Your child is important to you, as their parents and to us! Unless a child is happy and feels secure in a setting, no amount of resources, staff, planning etc. will be effective to meet their learning needs.

Our enthusiastic and very experienced staff want only the best for your child and through our programme of activities, invited visitors, outings and use of our extensive resources, indoors and outside, we aim to provide all children with the best start to formal education, working with you, our parents as our partners in your child’s education.

This web site can only give a ‘snapshot’ of what our school is about. Please feel free to contact us if you would like more information or if you would like to visit. We would love you and your child to experience more of our high quality nursery education.

4th Sep 2023
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Upcoming Events...

Thursday, 13th February 2025
Half Term Holidays
Friday, 14th February 2025
Half Term Holidays

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